From Vanderhoof, here are a couple of pictures of the project school, Nechako Valley Secondary School (NVSS):
With outdoor education and Aboriginal learning as sites of project inquiry, students engage in place-based learning with a beaded timeline of Aboriginal and settler presence on the land:
Drum making this year:
Sinkut Mountain…Our Place:
Hiking up Sinkut Mountain – building community, experiencing place, using a growth mindset:
Hiking to the top:
With middle years learners on top of Sinkut:
Teaching team on top of Sinkut: last to leave, feeling happy together:
Sometimes grade 8s just need to play:
Teachers’ Streamkeeper Training:
Three from Hogsback Lake:
Local author and artist Clayton Gauthier visited Dec 13th, 2017 and talked about identity and how to value what we love and embrace our strengths:
Geraldine Johnny leads Aboriginal Education:
(with thanks to Mia Moutray for photos)
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