6. 21st Century Learning: PBL in the Energetic Learning Campus

District: No. 60 (Peace River North)

At Fort St. John, the ELC project will look at how a healthy living environment and personal fitness affects student absenteeism, test scores, collaboration skills, student engagement and school culture.

This is a video about the unique school called the Energetic Learning Campus in Fort St. John, also in the Peace River country of North-Eastern B.C.:

For a PowerPoint of a project based learning template, click HERE.

For a PowerPoint of a PBL Theme & Essential Question planning tool, click HERE.

For a word doc of this project’s Health and Movement Assessment Rubric, click HERE.

For a PDF of three critique lesson plans, click HERE.

A Word doc of a critique feedback form may be found HERE.

Note from Kim Boettcher: Critique is a form of peer assessment where students give other students feedback that is ‘kind, specific and helpful’. Students are given more time to then incorporate the feedback into their project to bring it more closely aligned with the criteria. The critique strategy was learned by teachers in School District 60 when they visited High Tech High in San Diego. All forms and lessons were adapted from the work of HTH teachers.

Project videos The Energetic Learning Campus and A Day in the Life of the ELC.

Here are some project related pictures –

Masks, arranged at the Energetic Learning Centre:


Students watching video using the “flip class” concept in the Energetic Learning Centre:


School in a hockey rink/sports facility, integrated with community:


Looms: Sample tools for Project Based Learning


Some essential driving question with “All Systems A Go” theme for grade 8 students in Dawson Creek’s Growing Innovations project.

Students engaged in project work at the Energetic Learning Campus in Fort St. John, where there school is integrated within community recreational facilities.

Kim Boettcher, one of the Project Leaders, in School District #60 displays a student artifact from a theme from their Grade 10 Project Based Learning initiative.

From the Growing Innovation Webinar series (2012-2013), please find here links to resources from the presentations, as well as recordings of some of the presentations.

1. November 26, 2012 – Project Based Learning for Student Engagement in SD#59 (Peace River South) and SD#60 (Peace River North)

Powerpoint presentations from this webinar are available for download in two parts (of ~20MB each), to download part 1, click HERE, and for part 2, click HERE.

2. January 15, 2013 – Place Conscious Learning through Digital Story Telling in SD#8 (Kootenay Lake) and SD#10 (Arrow Lakes).

The powerpoint presentation (10 MB) from this webinar is available for download HERE.

A PDF file of the part of the presentation from Digital Heritage Connect Project Leader Tamara Malloff may be found HERE.

3.  January 17, 2013 – Nature Kindergarten in SD#62 (Sooke)

The powerpoint presentation (23 MB) from this webinar is available for download HERE.

4. February 21, 2013 – Connected Classrooms and Collaboration without Boundaries in SD#74 (Gold Trail) and SD#85 (Vancouver Island North)

The powerpoint presentation (10 MB) from this webinar is available for download HERE.

5.  March 5, 2013 – The Aboriginal Academy in SD#58 (Nicola-Similkameen).

For a video from this project, click HERE.

A recording of the webinar is now available to be viewed HERE.

6.  April 11, 2013 – Connecting Generations in SD#64 (Gulf Islands).

The powerpoint presentation (60MB) from this webinar is available for download HERE.

To download the Experiential Learning Consent & Waiver form Sarah & Ahava described, click HERE.

A recording of the webinar is now available to be viewed HERE

7.  April 29, 2013 – Transitioning Students with Special Needs through Community Partnerships in SD#51 (Boundary).

The powerpoint presentation from this webinar is available for download HERE.

A recording of the webinar is now available to be viewed HERE.

See you on on twitter:  Follow:  @ruralteachers Search/contribute:  #growinginnovation

Here is the ELC’s Rural Schools Symposium 2016 presentation (minus Sheldon, unfortunately, and also the videos that the project contained, which made it way too big to put here).

This Link will allow you to access the ELC’s 2017 Rural Schools Symposium presentation which is quite a big powerpoint (with video) so give it a bit to download.