District: No. 74 (Gold Trail)
Elementary and secondary teachers and students in rural schools in Lytton, Ashcroft, Clinton and Lillooet will be linked in connected classrooms and via other digital (& also physical) means.
We are proud to have a new Growing Innovation Project video to share. This one is from one of our original projects, and concerns the remarkable transformations arising from a Connected Classrooms project in British Columbia’s Gold Trail School District (#74), a project that connects students, schools and communities as diverse as Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Lytton and Lilooet, B.C.
To view a project presentation, click HERE.
For the elementary classrooms blog, click HERE.
For the English 8 connected classrooms blog, click HERE.
For Elementary Connected Classrooms Technology Performance Standards (PDF), click HERE.
Webinar resources from this project’s 2013 Growing Innovation webinar are available HERE.
Project Leaders Brooke Haller and Errin Gregory beside Welcome sign from Elementary Connected Classrooms Gathering:

Screen shot of 3 classrooms connected through the Connected Classrooms project on a daily basis. Students from 4 schools in the district are involved:

New pics in 2017: