District: No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
A very large rural district investigates moving rural education outdoors by engaging natural areas as sites for both curricular outcomes and connecting students to their natural communities – and to each other. This project is evolving into developing teacher capacity for outdoor education by way of a new mentoring initiative in six schools, and documenting transitions to innovating within the new curriculum in teaching outside.
Thank you to fine project for sharing 2019 Rural Schools Symposium presentation materials (.ppt file – opens in new window).
Here is Cariboo-Chilcotin Outdoor Classroom’s 2018-2019 final project report (opens in new tab).
Focusing this year on Outdoor Teaching Mentorship, this project shared this 2020 Rural Schools Symposium presentation (.pdf opens in a new tab).
Here is a closer look at the design stages shared in the project presentation (.pdf opens in a new tab).