63. Sparwood Secondary School Sawmill
District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) This project explores student engagement with community partners in the local and regional economic activity of turning natural resources into valuable products. In doing so, it creates new opportunities for reconsidering curriculum in unique and situated ways.
27. Cariboo-Chilcotin Outdoor Classroom
District: No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) A very large rural district investigates moving rural education outdoors by engaging natural areas as sites for both curricular outcomes and connecting students to their natural communities – and to each other. This project is evolving into developing teacher capacity for outdoor education by way of a new mentoring initiative in […]
18. Community Outdoor Education
District: No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) By focusing on student interactions, community involvement and environmental learning, this project investigates effects on school culture and the larger community, and new forms of learning from year-long and school-wide outdoor education. From the Haida Gwaii project, run by Leighann Rodger, we have a nice collection of images! As part […]
86. Decolonizing our Learning Environment
District: No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) Inspired by Richard Van Camp’s story-telling, this project engages the act of telling stories for students in grade K-9, through first learning about culture, community and place in order to develop story telling as a way of developing identity, understandings of place and each other and transforming and decolonizing schooling.
85. Building Shared Understandings of Loose Parts Learning
District: No. 79 (Cowichan Valley) This project takes up “loose parts” – materials that are beautiful in their diversity, inspire creative thinking and offer learners many ways to capture their thinking and express ideas – to further develop and co-create shared pedagogy, understandings and logics about spaces, rhythms and routines.
84. The Numeracy Pilot Project: Engaging with and Embedding Indigenous Practices
District: No. 74 (Gold Trail) This project aims to enhance numeracy instruction and experience in K-1 classrooms by supporting curricular competencies, decolonizing learning in the classroom, offering choice, and responsibility and support through hands-on tactile activities.
83. Trauma Informed Restorative Practices at Barriere Secondary
District: No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) This project is focused on developing a culture of restorative practices in school, and becoming more trauma informed to support teaching and learning. By implementing trauma informed and restorative practices, it aims to build relationships and support children in successful development.
82. Strengthening Local Connections in the Robson Valley
District: No. 57 (Prince George) This project explores pedagogical approaches in taking up historical thinking, geographic thinking, and place-conscious/place-responsive learning. It engages in local practice and learning that brings school communities into meaningful contact with stories and other artifact of the histories and geographies of the Robson Valley Region through, in part, visiting sites traditionally […]
81. Mackenzie Secondary Food Security
District: No. 57 (Prince George) Following First Peoples Principles of learning “throughout the entirety of the project,” this project encourages collaboration among Mackenzie and the Mcleod Lake Indian Band in good relations and to tackle common problems of food security. The school will operate as a hub to connect and enable multiple groups to be […]
80. Our Walk Toward Truth & Reconciliation
District: No. 54 (Bulkley Valley) Respecting and being guided by the First People’s Principles of Learning, this project’s inquiry builds capacity among students and staff to work to weave Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into classrooms, seeking to discern the transformative therein from “simply adding” to current practice. It also aims to strengthen students’ relationship with […]
79. VOCAL: Triangulating Assessment
District: No. 54 (Bulkley Valley) In the leadership of learner support teachers working in collaboration, this project aims to improve and innovate with respect to assessment, where students may lead in creating a more inclusive environment and equitable assessment practices.
78. School and Community Connections
District: No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) This project explores how students acquire language, culture, and knowledge while working with a Haida Elder in a Language Nest, how children from different schools interact with each other and develop their skills, while working together, and how two school communities share their strengths.
77. Integrated Learning Imagine High
District: No. 33 (Chilliwack) This project inheres in Imagine High which, for grade 9 & 10 students is “unique, innovative and substantially different from traditional secondary schools.” It aims as imagining and implementing “significant, research-informed structural changes” to schooling, in order to “provide a context for deep learning pedagogies.”
76. Reimagining the Role of the High School as a Bridge to the Community
District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) This project supports student engagement through wellness, toward a school-wide initiative that promotes Core Competencies by way of a personal and social curriculum. In a cross-curricular approach to learning, and in growing understandings of trauma-informed practice, it aims to create a school-wide culture of community, service, connection and wellness, for which […]
75. Rossland Community Garden Relocation and Wetland Rehabilitation
District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) This project is relocating the current community garden to a better location (& rehabilitating the current one) – in part for use as an outdoor classroom and for foods and cafeteria programs for K-5 students, as well as for working with community garden members and the City of Rossland.
74. Shared Wisdom & Growth
District No. 10 (Arrow Lakes) This projects aims to “push practice to adapt and support the needs of our students” in part by breaking down barriers between communities and schools and revisioning children’s belonging beyond school. Working with community Elders to “create a space of shared wisdom,” it aims to broaden experiential learning, career/life connections, […]
73. Primary Literacy Coherence as a Catalyst for System Change
District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) In work toward more effective district literacy support for grades 4 & 5, this project deploys a Spirals of Inquiry model to reconsider pedagogical practices toward a coherent and balanced literacy program.
72. B.K WILD (Wilderness Integration Learning Design)
District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Committing to take students out of the classroom into their surrounding community for at least 1 full day per week, this project is place-based, student-led and multiage with outdoor learning. For ranging out from their ‘nest’ in the forest, easing pandemic restrictions promise more “connecting our learning to a wider […]
71. Beyond 4 Walls – Using an Outdoor Classroom
District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) This project includes the development of an outdoor classroom that eliminates the barriers to taking students outside by creating a welcoming outdoor learning space which will offer a variety of strategies for teachers to connect indoor learning to outdoor learning in all subject areas.
70. Primary Outdoor Learning Space
District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) As shared by project leadership: Our hope is to create a safe, accessible, and intentional outdoor learning space on our school grounds for K-3 classes, while other user groups such as intermediate classes, PAC, StrongStart and After School programs may also access it. We want to embed Indigenous knowledges, uphold […]
69. PRISM: Pride, Race, Identity, Sexuality and Movement
District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) As shared by project leadership: This project involves the Gay Straight Alliance club (PRISM) at Sparwood Secondary School. This club is open to any students at the school and we hope to foster inclusion in the school and local community through community contributions. We also hope to integrate First People’s […]
68. How to Empower Staff and Students While Growing an Inclusive Culture
District No. 81 (Fort Nelson) This project explores team teaching and collaboration as a method to build more meaningfully inclusive practices school-wide – on the traditional territories of the Fort Nelson First Nation and where approximately one third of the school population is Indigenous. It continues in both bringing new staff into its culture and […]
65. Expanding Beyond the Classroom: Elementary ADST and Career Education (Part 2)
District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) In resonance with the curriculum’s standards of community collaboration, personalized learning and inquiry, this project supports cross-curricular activities to explore different skill sets and careers not commonly found or funded in elementary education. In doing so it asks how exploring career opportunities earlier will help students later with respect to their […]
61. Middle School at Lillooet Secondary School
District: No. 74 (Gold Trail) This project explores and shares multi-disciplinary community and relationship student leadership and inquiry – in working to create an ‘atmosphere of celebration and curiosity’ among the school and those who live around it. It continues in work to “provide deeply engaging projects for our students to partake in throughout the […]
56. Mount Sentinel Revisioning Middle Years (Year 3 – from visioning & planning to action!)
District: No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) This project aims to ‘reinvent’ the school timetable and organizational structure for the benefit of the school’s youngest students – in supporting transitions, developing multidisciplinary and fostering student empowerment. Following two years of planning, research and community building, it now enters year one of a revitalized middle years program for […]
46. Unlearning and Decolonizing Education
District: No. 79. (Cowichan) Continuing Q’Shintul – Walking Together – The Story of Mill Bay Nature School, in exploring what is possible and faithful to its place in/as a new nature school, this project facilitates “the storying of our school birthing and ongoing development” in a good way. It is a model full of possibilities […]
36. Disrupting Systemic Racism in Math and Science
District: No. 48 (Sea to Sky) This project engages time in schools, in looking to shift “structure and approach” in recreating a high school timetable (in Pemberton) in order for students to engage in a diversity of “personally meaningful, real world, and cross-curricular inquiry.” Through inquiry into changes wrought by teachers’ co-planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing […]
34. Community & School Improvement
District: No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Through a concerted effort to increase capacity for collaboration and collegiality through inquiry, this project seeks to “challenge foundational understanding” to move thinking forward toward changes to high school programming. Including participation of students and community mentors, the PLC expects to propose a new model of high school education that […]