District: No. 54 (Bulkley Valley)
Through the provision of collaborative, co-planning and co-teaching opportunities for educators, this project explores the effects of quality teaching and leadership development on student success and completion. It will also be concerned with what it makes possible in connections among schools and with communities (in Houston and Smithers, B.C.).
Initial artifacts and project documentation are here!
Here are a few shots of one of my favorite days. We used our embedded collaboration time and got the entire campus staff together to discuss examples of solid pedagogy. It came out of a thought that perhaps we take for granted that all of our staff are on a “level playing field” when it comes to our teaching toolboxes. We’ve been fortunate to have yourself, Faye, Shelley, Stuart Shanker, Yong Zhao, and others come through our district and learn with us, but many of our young/new staff have missed out on portions of these visits. We’ve decided to use our regular collaboration time to review some of the highlights from our past SD 54 guest gurus.
The best part about this day was that it came from us (admin), but was entirely teacher-led. I always cross my fingers in hopes that these days go well and teachers find them worthwhile. It was a great afternoon and we received a ton of positive feedback.
From the 2019 Rural Schools Symposium, we are grateful to be able to share this project’s presentation (.pdf opens in new window)
Here is this project’s 2018-2019 final report (opens in new tab).