District: No. 51 (Boundary)
The project engages students in Midway in Community partnerships, technology, and functional curriculum to focus on ways to support rural secondary students with special needs.
A very succinct and informative presentation on this project is to be found HERE.
“UBC Research grant used to develop curriculum” – Two local newspaper articles (PDF) about this project are HERE.
The following are links to materials developed as a part of the Community Partnerships project:
Completed by students each day before working at community partner locations, the Appearance Self-Check rubric (Word doc) is HERE, and the Daily Self-Check with Icons (PDF) is HERE.
Two examples of rubrics (Word docs) completed on site while working at the locations are HERE, and HERE.
A lesson worksheet (Word doc) designed to teach students with special needs about product expiration dates is HERE.
A Community Social Skills checklist (Word doc) is HERE. Task Cards (Word doc) that students use when they work at the seniors facility are HERE.
For a list of resources/websites for mobile technology for students with special needs (Word doc compiled for this project by site facilitator Mary Stewart) click HERE.
The resource list (Word doc) for functionally differentiated curricula is HERE.
Growing Innovation Community Partnership Survey (blank – Word doc) is HERE, and the project write-up of survey results (Word doc) is HERE.
The project powerpoint presentation from the Growing Innovation Symposium is HERE.